What to Expect

Sunday mornings are pretty low key at Shalom. People dress in anything from our “Sunday best” to shorts and sandals – it just depends on each individual’s preferences and comfort levels. Ours is a multi-generational community with a mix of elders, empty nesters, young families, singles, young adults, and youth. Together, we share in a journey of Anabaptist discipleship and following Jesus’ way. No matter where any of us may be on our journey, all are welcome.

Sunday worship begins at 10:45 a.m. and follows a fairly traditional order and process. The service includes music, some liturgy, scripture readings, children’s time, a meditation, sharing of joys and concerns, an offering, and times for silence and reflection. We are blessed with talented musicians from a variety of backgrounds ranging from classical and blues to folk and bluegrass. Even though we primarily sing from the Mennonite Hymnal: A Worship Book and Sing the Journey, each Sunday brings a unique musical experience.

Even though a nursery is provided for children ages 3 and younger, children are a welcome part of our worship services. It’s not uncommon to hear children drop their crayons or ask for a snack. One corner of the sanctuary is reserved for nursing mothers and parents with young children and includes comfortable rocking chairs and toys so families who so desire may stay together during the worship service.

We also have hearing aid devices available for individuals who may need hearing assistance to fully participate in the service as well as special seating for those in wheelchairs. Either let an usher know you’d like hearing assistance or just go to the sound booth, and the person running sound will have one waiting for you.

During the school year, Shalom has a Christian Education hour that begins at 9:30 a.m. and provides options for all ages. A listing of classes and their corresponding locations is listed on a white board in the gathering space. Ushers also are available to answer any questions or help you find a class.

In the summer months (beginning after Memorial Day), we gather at 9:30 a.m. for fellowship and potluck brunch in the fellowship hall. Special children’s activities are also planned for each of these Sundays so that they, too, may have their own time for connecting with each other.