Membership Covenant

As members of Shalom Mennonite Church, gathering regularly for worship, study and fellowship, we commit ourselves under the authority of the Scriptures:

  • to acknowledge God as creator and sustainer of all life,
  • to accept Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord and grow in our relationship to him,
  • to be open to the Holy Spirit as enabler and guide.

We seek to follow the New Testament model of a sharing (Acts 2:44-47; I John 1:3); discerning(I Cor. 2:14-16; Matthew 18:18), discipling (Matthew 28:18-20) and serving (Matthew 25:34-40) community. We want to live under the reign of Christ which is coming and now present in the body of believers.
We commit ourselves to share God’s gifts of love and material goods, working for peace and for deliverance from oppression, poverty and injustice through nonviolent, suffering love.
We commit ourselves to cultivate the gift of discernment, responding to each other’s needs, encouraging in each the use of gifts and abilities, and counseling each other when tempted or unfaithful, thus expressing our calling to the priesthood of believers.
We commit ourselves, as a discipling community, to share our faith through the power of the Holy Spirit and to invite others to find reconciliation with God and be baptized as servants in the body of Christ.
We commit ourselves to serve those in need in this community and throughout the world, through our church mission and service programs.